Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Memory Game

Did you ever play that memory game as a kid that involved a deck of special cards spread out face down on the floor? Maybe you don't remember. Ha. As my memory serves me, I was quite good at it. The object of the game was to turn over two cards at a time with the hopes that you could add them to your pile if they matched. If they didn't match, you had to turn them back over and remember their placement, so that when your turn came around again, you could remember where the pairs were and turn over two matching cards. Pretty simple, eh?

Well, I wish they had a similar game for adults, but one that was applicable to daily life. A sort of exercise that helped you remember the bits and pieces of your day. I usually don't have a problem remembering work-related tasks, but when it comes to life outside of work, that's another story. Sometimes it's like a fuse shorts out in my brain. I can be walking from my bedroom to the kitchen with the intent of finishing a piece of pie in the fridge but once I've arrived at my destination, I forget why I came there in the first place. Tragic.

After recently cleaning and reorganizing my room to make better use of the space, I decided to start regularly making my bed to keep up that pristine appearance. Well, earlier this week, upon returning home from a busy day at work, I got into my room and stood there for a second utterly shocked.

"Who the hell made my bed?!" I thought.

And then I was glad that was a conversation going on solely in the quiet of my head. How could I have forgotten that I made my own bed?! I think it's time to start charting my day on cards. Then at the end of the day, I can turn them over and look at them to jog my memory. Let's just hope I don't shock myself when I read cards like "Went to work," or "Rode the metro." Because then there's no helping me.

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