Time continues to tick away as do my options for cobblers. Last week I made a cherry cobbler and a white peach-nectarine one. I am rather indifferent about cherries. Eaten fresh, they're a pain what with that interfering pit. Baked, and used as flavoring for candy et al, they're fine but not noteworthy to my tastebuds. The cherry cobbler was just "fine," but to cherry lovers (my roommate) it was deemed a success. Later, on the weekend, I found perfectly ripe white peaches and nectarines that served as perfectly pretty partners in their baked form.

Both were beautiful on the outside and the inside, with specks of cranberry colored flesh that carried a sweet, perfumey aroma. In my haste to get this operation in and out of the oven, I made an unfortunate choice. Rather than squeeze the lemons over a bowl, collect the seeds, and then pour into the fruit bowl, I squeezed them quickly and directly over the bowl. Juice sprayed out everywhere, but I took no notice. There was aready flecks of flour and sugar, and tomato sauce (from the spaghetti and meatballs I threw down earlier in the evening) about my outfit.

And then I noticed my favorite avocado-green tank top! Ruined! Out, out damn, spots! Who knew that lemon acid was
that powerful. I guess that's why most normal people wear aprons. I blame the GAP for their sub-par dying.
This turned out quite nicely. It's on my top list of favorite.

Another happy ending for all, thanks to vanilla ice cream!
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