Thursday, July 22, 2010

Testing My Patience

Last weekend, I was running through the grocery to grab the items necessary to make a quick and healthy eggplant parmesan and noticed a throng of bright red rhubarb hanging out in the produce section. Hooah! I grabbed a bunch and threw a couple pints of strawberries into my basket and headed homeward for some therapy cooking. The eggplant dish turned out AMAZINGLY scrumptious, but the second go-around at strawberry rhubarb cobbler was a buzz kill. My failure to slice the thicker stalks of rhubarb into fine pieces yielded challengingly-crunchy chunks scattered about the dish. There was an excess of sugary fluid this time as well. Big time bummer.

In my attempt to give cobblers the cold shoulder this weekend, I will set my eyes on a new challenge--slow roasting a pork shoulder to make some mouth-watering pulled pork sandwiches. Slow roasting isn't much of a challenge, but refraining from opening the oven every ten minutes to see if progress has been made will be a Mount Everest climb. Yes, I'm one of those people. I guess I should start using the oven light more often instead. You should see how good I am at watching pots of water come to boil. I haven't picked out a particular rub recipe yet, but I already have some ideas of my own. The cooking part of this venture should take at least four hours, if not more.

My biggest fear is that my hours of patience will not guarantee an awesome end product. In fact, it could very well bum me out again. What if I overcook it? What if it's dry? What if it's undercooked and I get rabies? Sigh. I can't wait to find out.


  1. I think you have to assume the hours of patience will guarantee it. The sheer power of your will is going to cook the food! Believe it. That's why I do. :)

  2. I wouldn’t be concerned rabies. I’m no science-tist, but I’ve heard that a frequently opened oven door to slow roasted pork was the epicenter of the swine flu epidemic. Food enthusiasts and Hazmat are impatiently waiting your test of patients.

  3. Haha! Unfort, I indulged in some carnitas this weekend instead of making my own pulled pork due to lack of time. Next weekend, although I am now acutely aware of my potential role in unleashing another swine flue epidemic, I shall put this roasting business to the test.
