Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Anniversary Planning

As my love life remains in a constant state of flux, I haven't had to worry about any upcoming landmark anniversaries. Whether that's a good thing is debatable. Instead, the most common anniversaries to which I have grown accustomed are the number of months at a job, the date of my layoff, and of course the anniversary of my renewed commitment to lose weight (which is a monthly occurrence).

The next looming anniversary is of my swan dive into blogger-hood. August 14 marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of this blog and my first-ever post. In preparation of this most spectacularly-ordinary day, I decided to give Infinite Appetite a much needed face lift. Despite having only the most rudimentary photo editing tools and rigid template options at my disposal, I was able to tighten things up a bit. More tweaks, slices, and dices to come soon...