Take last night, for example. I was in a house with some friends and all of a sudden, two grizzly bears appeared. They got up on their hind legs, roared and bared their claws and teeth. Fright and panic set in. We rushed to lock the doors (since these grizzlies had the ability to open and close doors) to keep ourselves safe. The details beyond this get a bit fuzzy. But, I do recall someone finding a rifle and shooting one of the grizzlies. Then the other came back and tried to re-open the door that had come unlocked. BAM. I beat him to it and re-locked it. I think I sprayed Raid on the bear through the window because then it fell down and was writhing below the window.
I kept coming back to see if the bear had died yet, but no luck. Then, oddly enough, the bear started to look more human. It was in pain, but scary still. The house transformed into a sky scraper building, and the bear that was once writhing below the window sill was now writhing on a thin lip of the building. The bear was fully human looking at this point. I then realized I recognized the bear. It was Washington Capitals young buck defenseman John Carlson. I went away hoping this bear-man-Carlson would soon die so we could leave the house without fear of being attacked.
At this point, I started feeling badly for how terribly he was suffering. I hoped he would die soon for his own sake. I checked back and saw him writhe falling off the lip only to grab onto it with one hand and eventually pull himself back up. Damn it, I thought. I snuck out a back door and went in search of the rifle owner to ask him to shoot the bear-man-Carlson to put him out of his misery.
Well, by the time I had gotten back, Carlson had fallen from the lip onto the pavement, but was still alive. So, I called 9-1-1 and was frantically saying how one of the Washington Capital's stars was seriously hurt and needed help fast. They came, revived him and I felt like a hero for saving John Carlson's life.
OK. Someone explain that to me before I check myself into the mental ward. I think it's related to the fact that I've been using a lot of Raid lately to kill winged ants that flood my room when the sun sets. I also saw another mouse running down the basement stairs last night. Oh, and I heard some man screaming on our street around midnight, so I sat up in bed alert for a while thinking he would break in to the house. OK...seems that's the basis for the dream plot, but the cast of characters?! Come on!
Look at this ferocious grizzly. Straight outta my dreams!
Does John Carlson resemble a grizzly bear? No. More like a teddy bear.

Ahh, yes, this is more like it!
Hmm, maybe lay off the Raid!!! :) :)
ReplyDeleteDeciphering that dream could take more therapy than your ankle will need.
Amid the Stanley Cup finals, I hold our repeated playoff failures somewhat responsible for this dream.