Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Good Stuff

Being jobless has its perks. I don't have to set an alarm at night. I can enjoy the beautiful Spring weather. Hmmm...what else... Yep, that's about it. Most of the time it feels like I'm watching my wallet hemorrhage to death with no end in sight.

But, I have become more appreciative of the free things in life...the good stuff. Flowers in bloom. Napping with my dog. Peace and solitude. And, of course, relishing my not-so-free meals...moreso than ever. When I'm not temping, there's not much to distract me from my favorite pastime. I finish breakfast and seconds thereafter start longing for lunch, or in today's case, a mid-morning snack.

I don't live a particularly lavish lifestyle, but I know I should be cutting back right now. Like only eating out of cans and boxes instead of going out to lunch and dinner. Yet, my old coworker from Satan & Associates, Inc. told me I should be going out to lunch regularly to stay connected to the workforce and for networking purposes. Done.

Today I am headed out to Capitol Hill to meet with another old coworker from the job that laid me off in January 2009. Actually, he and I both were cut on the same day, and unfortunately for him, he has not worked a day since. We are going to Good Stuff Eatery and my stress level is already up a notch because I know decision time is near.

What to get? Definitely a shake. Burger-wise? No idea. Too many solid options. What I do know is that my trainer (and friend, Femi) would not be happy with any decision I make here, unless it was to walk out the door empty handed. The first day we started training, he told me he was going to work on strengthening my core muscles first. As I was telling him that I don't think I have abs anymore, he said, "Hilary, everyone's got a six pack. Some just keep theirs in the fridge."

Well, in my case, the abs are waaaaay back in the fridge. Back with the baking soda and food that has iced over. There's a lot of good stuff on me right now and I'm OK with adding some Good Stuff to my good stuff. Makes me feel good and stuff. You only live once, right? I'd rather die fat and happy than fit and happy. Wait, no. Maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha- love the quote from Femi about keeping the six pack in the fridge... certainly where mine can be found. Have fun at lunch!
