So my Mom decided to join Facebook several days ago after getting invites from old friends and giving into curiosity. She didn't tell me at first; I found out after noticing my younger brother had befriended her. Hmmm, I thought. I bet my brother created that page for her.
I decided to confront her the next time I paid a visit.
I casually broached the topic to learn that not only had she joined, but that she had created her own page, too. Who does she think she is?! Too good for me, eh?
"Well," Mom explained, "I didn't know if you'd want to be my friend. I didn't want to put you in an awkward position of having to say 'no.'" She added, "I don't want to intrude on your personal space."
Don't be ridiculous, Ma! I couldn't care less if you see what's on my page, in my pictures or what my friends post to my wall. I have nothing to hide. I did all I could possibly do wrong in college and the shock factor of any of my extracurricular activities has since waned. Plus, if I were to do anything outrageous, I wouldn't be posting pictures of it on FB anyways. For that matter, the most outrageous thing I've done lately is eat skewered chicken for breakfast.
Anyways, taking stupid pictures was what we did in college. Every incident had to be documented on our 35MM cameras. Especially those "hilarious" ones of us in compromising situations that quickly landed on some Terp Web site called "Terp Idiots" or something along those lines. I forget the name, but I will never forget the day my Mom stumbled across a link to a picture of me "passed out" near the boys bathroom entrance. Fully clothed, mind you. And, I can honestly say that I had fallen down after getting hit with a soccer ball after some aggressive dorm hallway game. My Mom still doesn't believe me to this day.
But, even if I were to be tagged in some strange photo like that on FB, it'd be current or prospective employers I'd be most worried about.
After getting back to my computer that day, I requested my Mom's friendship and she happily accepted. The next day, I asked her how she was liking it so far since and she said it was cool to connect with her college classmates on there, yet it was still a bit weird for some other reasons. Though she wasn't fazed after getting her friend request rejected by my cousin, and found it funny to see FB friend suggestions of my ex-boyfriend, getting repeated FB friend suggestions of my recently-deceased uncle didn't make for a satisfactory welcome package.
Well, at least Sebastian won't let her down. Though, I've seen some of his recently posted pictures. And let's just say the words "racy" and "unprecedented" come to mind.
That said, welcome to FB, Mom!
Where is Sebastian's FB page? I would like to befriend him.